2014 Resolutions Worthy Of Making Come True

By Dani Walker

2014 new years resolutions

2014 Resolutions

We all know, in the spirit of the season, we’ve been putting off those worthy 2014 resolutions for the past month…but time is near!

2014 new years resolutions Telling ourselves; “I’ll do it after the new year.  Just one last hurah. After Christmas I’m going to…(you fill in the blank)” is coming to an end.   We are going to get serious about our 2014 resoutions for at least 72 hours.

Bbut most people making 2014 resolutions will not follow through with any of them.  Most of us will make the same, I want to lose 10 pounds or make more money resolutions for 2015 as well.

So let’s change it up and make different 2014 resolutions.  Attainable ones that will become healthy habits rather than overwhelming work that makes you feel more like a failure.  Here are some ideas for 2014 resolutions worthy of making come true:

1.  Get more rest.  Sounds nice right?!  Did you know that research from the University of Chicago showed that dieters who slept for 8.5 hours lost 55% more body fat than dieters who slept 5.5 hours!  That’s just one benefit of sleeping that is worthy of making come true.

2. Give Gratitude.  Be thankful and share it! People experience a better mood for up to a month after they give a letter of gratitude to someone who has been kind to them.  No time to write?  Thank them mentally.  Thoughts are things, you know.

3. Go, Be, Go.  Take 30 minutes to move, walk, run, kickbox…exercise and then 30 minutes of “me time.” Do  something that makes you feel more peaceful, less stressed and completely uplifted.  This is my personal favorite and one I usually give up on by January 10th!

4. Hydrate.  Especially after the New Years Eve celebration, proper hydration may be the most important 2014 resolution you can make come true!  🙂

Slowly start drinking more water on a daily basis until you are drinking a half ounce per pound that you weigh.  Click How much water should I drink

5. Volunteer.  This goes along with give gratitude.  There really is nothing I’ve ever done that makes me feel more fulfilled than volunteering to help others with any cause.  It is really as selfish as it is selfless!

6.  Write It Down.  What ever goal, powerful intention, thoughtful request you have…write it down and look at it daily.  Just try it and see what happens.

I have a girlfriend who works her tail off every Summer so she can go spend 4-6 months in New Zealand every Winter.  She wanted to go to Fiji for years but could not afford it.  She hung a beautiful picture of Fiji’s white sandy beaches on her refrigerator and every time she looked at it she envisioned herself there.  Within a month the cost of the airline tickets  went down and she spent a week on the sandy beaches of Fiji before going to New Zealand!

Did it have anything to do with the picture on her fridge or her seeing herself there???? The power of intention is one of many 2014 resolutions worth trying that will only help you feel better and in turn everyone around you will too.

Because We Want To 2014 Resolutions Giveaway:

Because it is the New year we are giving you a sneak peek at our Total Wellness Series & A $5 off Coupon. 

Click 2014 Resolutions to subscribe.  Happy new year & new you!

What other 2014 resolutions are you going to make come true & why?


About the Author

Sassy, classy and kick a$$y Marketing Muse with a passion for living life well. Author/Creator: Education Beats Medication Wellness Series & My Money My Vote Ambassador. I help solopreneurs build their online brand with less stress & more success.

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