Dani Walker It’s What I Do…

By Dani Walker

what i do dannie walker

What I Do…Did…Was…Am

dani walker what i doPeople always ask me what I do.  I always stumble in giving a concise answer because I do a lot of things & love doing them all so I never really ‘branded’ myself as any certain one.  Probably a huge mistake but…oh well!

So here’s a list of what I do:

I’m an internet marketing analyst.  I teach people how to build their online business by leveraging the internet. SEO – SEM – Email Marketing etc.

I’m an author.  In, Education Beats Medication, I write about non-invasive natural options not yet offered by conventional medicine.

I’m a wife & a very proud Mom with a passion for real food, real conversation & real community.

I’m a network marketer who loves to work with passionate people who are making differences.

I’m a research geek!  I spend at least 2 hours a day studying up and coming internet marketing strategies, natural wellness methods, social media info etc.

Ultimately, what I do is teach.  A good teacher is always a great student.

What I Do Is Who I Am

what i do dannie walker2013 was quite a year for my family.  We traveled to Ecuador with our boys; a marvelous adventure that I refer to as our ‘investigation vacation’.  Jack spent 6 months living in Portland while we stayed in NE Oregon: during this time I gained even more respect for my Mother who raised 3 children on her own.  Every single parent on the planet earned a ton of respect from me during that 6 months! WOW.  Within a month of being given the top distributor of the year award we resigned our position with SISEL International and came to a point of retrospect.  What is life really all about?  Is money worth sacrificing integrity, self worth & respect?  Does what I do align with who I am?  If not, why am I REALLY doing it?

I sit and write today, on my youngest sons 14th birthday, feeling very grateful for being me.  Grateful for being a Mother, a sister, a daughter, a wife, an author, a friend & a mentor to many people all over the world.  At 38 years old I’m finally realizing that what I do IS in fact, who I am!

We made some really difficult, scary decisions last year that brought us right here.   The decision to resign in network marketing is much the same as quitting a job.  You no longer get paid.  Now, it’s not really that simple because we had a wonderful team of people we also left, but we knew it was the absolute best decision (not the easiest) for us and for them.

What I Do…

Soon after that resignation I found myself ready to write that book I had been talking about for 5 years.  I was clear minded & light hearted.  The pressure of guarding a team from the truth was lifted & I could be me again; open, honest and forthright.

I started studying things that interested me.  Internet marketing, paleo diet, recipes, network marketing, home based business.  When somebody asks me “What do you do?” I always laugh because I still have yet to figure out my ‘elevator speech’ or that perfect definition for What I Do!?

I write, I teach, I motivate, I study, I share & I inspire people to think outside the prescription for life.  The 40/40 is broke so why do it?  Long term medication only leads to more sickness…so why do it?  I guess if I had to define what I do…I would say I’m a teacher of thought.  I don’t want to teach people what to think, I want to teach them how to think.  Which is much harder by the way because we’ve all grown up in a society that learned WHAT to think & they are complacent in recognizing that fact.

What Will Generation Y Do?

BUT, the future generations are astute, aware & acute to the fact that they hold their future in this ever changing world.  My boys look at our current economy & the job opportunities very differently.  They see friends graduating from college with degrees that now work at the grocery store.  They watched as people lost houses in the real estate bubble and retirements.  These scandals have kept their entrepreneurial spirit alive & I can’t wait to see what generation Y will do in their reign!

So to stop the rambling, I guess I write today to thank you for reading my stuff.  Thank you for caring enough about your health to learn more about options outside the prescription.  Thank you for letting me share my families battle with chronic disease & how we overcame it naturally.  But most of all, thank you for joining us in teaching our kids ‘how’ to think rather than ‘what’.

This internet space called www.daniwalker.com is where I get to share anything I want.  My thoughts, my passions, my rants, raves & faves.  In 2014 it is taking a turn toward generation Y because I feel it is an opportunity to be inspired by thought leaders of the future!

Stagnancy is not an option.  Grow, Dream, Fail, Start Over, Succeed: Be willing to do what it takes to be in love with what you do.

I look forward to hearing your thoughts about what you do & why…

About the Author

Sassy, classy and kick a$$y Marketing Muse with a passion for living life well. Author/Creator: Education Beats Medication Wellness Series & My Money My Vote Ambassador. I help solopreneurs build their online brand with less stress & more success.

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