Who Is The Master Of My Mind?

By Dani Walker

master mind

Am I The Master Of My Mind?

master mindThe master of my mind to fool me into seeing and believing that which is not true.

SISEL is an acronym the stands for Science, Innovation, Success, Energy & Longevity and all of these are woven into the fabric of this global company.  I was reminded this weekend of the power of my mind to build, to destroy, to enlighten, to motivate or manipulate ME.  I was also reminded the I am the Master of my mind.  Keep reading & it will all come together…eventually.

Jack and I just got back from the most awesome “mastermind” session with amazing leaders.  We spent 2 nights on the Oregon Coast with good friends and business partners Chris & Tiffany Taylor.  The days were completely surreal: no wind, complete sun and 60 degrees on the Oregon Coast in Feb!  Really, I am not kidding, it was marvelous and every time I went outside I was reminded of how much my mind has the power to fool or empower me.

Why?  Because just before I would open the door I would brace myself for the cold wind that I expected (normal weather for the Oregon Coast).  I would bundle up, put my hands in my coat pockets, pull my shoulders to my ears and brace myself for the bone chilling wind.  Even though I could see there was not wind outside, I could see the sun shining and the stillness of the Ocean, even though it was not the first time I had been out that day, my mind could not believe it was real.

The Master Of My Mind Believing

This reminded me of how powerful our minds are.  Even what we see with our eyes, feel with our skin & hear with our ears, our thoughts can overpower.  You see in May of 2009 I was a worried, broke, resentful wife with a very sick husband who had “tried everything” to help his Sarcoidosis.

By July of 2009 my husband was in remission thanks to nutrients found in SISEL International’s Triangle Of Life supplements but I was still worried, broke and resentful.  Even though I could see, hear, feel the difference in my husband, my mind was telling me it would not last, it was not real, he was not better.

He had been sick for so long that I didn’t want to get my hopes up because I was fully expecting the let down.  My mind was the master manipulator, my thoughts stole from me daily the joy of letting the ray of sun just shine by believing he was healing and healthy again.

I was so used to years of Dr.s visits, pain, vertigo, sickness, debt, worry; I was so tired of trying another remedy or method that did not work that I could not even believe it when we found one that finally did.

All the signs of his health returning were there.  His lymph nodes were no longer swollen, the tumors had shrunk, he wasn’t coughing all the time, he no longer had vertigo, he was able to wake up without pain for the first time in 5 years & yet I was still preparing to open the door and be blasted by freezing wind!

Become The Master Of Your Mind

Sometimes it is difficult to take what I am thinking and put it in words. Most of the time it is difficult to take what I am thinking captive & consciously choose to think prosperity thoughts…to BE the master of my mind.

Every time I opened the door this weekend it was like the world gently reminding me to marvel in the mysterious, the unexpected, the miracles & be forever thankful.

I am forever thankful that a friend cared enough to push through my resistance & offer the possibility of healing for my husband.  I am forever greatful for SISEL International because they manufacture life changing products that help the health of humanity.  I am forever honored to empower others to make a living by making a difference & partner with marvelous people like Tiff & Chris.  When I am the master of my mind, life is magnificent.

I challenge you today to take back one pattern of thinking in your life.  Be the master of your mind and replace those lack thoughts with powerful, life altering affirmations & gratitude.  I promise you this…you won’t be sorry you did.

Healthy People, Heal”thy” People,

Dani Walker



About the Author

Sassy, classy and kick a$$y Marketing Muse with a passion for living life well. Author/Creator: Education Beats Medication Wellness Series & My Money My Vote Ambassador. I help solopreneurs build their online brand with less stress & more success.

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