Most Popular Posts For 2011

By Dani Walker

popular posts of 2011

2011 Most Popular Posts

popular posts of 2011As 2012 approaches I thought I would share the most popular posts of 2011 (on that is).

As the world of drama continues many of us “not so famous” have spent this year researching and looking for solutions to health problems that the medical community can not fix…we are tired of being prescribed a different drug for every little symptom.  We want answers, real solutions & no more side effects.

Drum Role Please……

Top 5 Posts Of 2011

1.  Fucoidan Health Benefits – Many people are hearing about the powerful nutrient fucoidan.  Researching and looking for the most powerful fucoidan supplement which will give them all the health benefits without the toxins.

2. What is oxidative stress – Understanding oxidative stress and how it effects your health & aging.

3. Happy Healthy People – Have you ever wondered if the information your doctor is sharing with you is the whole truth and nothing but the truth?

4.  Sarcoidosis Symptoms & Natural Remedies – Betty’s amazing results after 15 years with Sarcoidosis and Diabetes.  She inspires everyone with these debilitating diseases to thing outside the prescriptions and heal naturally!

5. Sarcoidosis Natural Treatment –  This post is my personal why.  Why I spend night after night researching true health, Sarcoidosis and healing nutrients.  Why I spread the message of how to heal naturally.  Why my husband is still here with us and why he has his life back.  This post was just the beginning!

So as 2012 draws near, what are you resolving to change in your life this year?  What are you hoping to heal?  Hoping to help?  Hoping to do?

We all have hopes and dreams, do not let anyone or anything decide your fate.  When everyone says you can’t or won’t, have hope and know that you have the power to heal, the power to inspire others, the power to persist through and if you need a little extra….reach out & I will be here.

As I always say… “Wellness is the connection of paths between knowledge & action!”  \

Renegade Health Diva,

Dani Walker

P.S. If you like this information be sure to get more by subscribing to “7 Steps To Optimal Health” before you go.

About the Author

Sassy, classy and kick a$$y Marketing Muse with a passion for living life well. Author/Creator: Education Beats Medication Wellness Series & My Money My Vote Ambassador. I help solopreneurs build their online brand with less stress & more success.

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