Resolutions For Life At 91 Years Old

By Dani Walker


Still Making Resolutions For Life At 91?

resolutions 4 life

90th B-Day Luau

Just got back from a wonderful visit with my 91 year old Grandma.  Everyone who knows her says they want to be just like her at 91.  She still wears Stilettos, I actually got her a pair for her 90th Birthday!  She bakes cakes for the entire county.  I walked in the door to her whipping up a batch of cup cakes, an apple pie and some enchiladas & she live alone!  She let me know that she was having a dinner party tomorrow and wanted to be ready.


As I watched her lay her homemade pie crust in the pan (the only way to cook, is to cook from scratch in this family) she shared her New Years Resolutions For Life with me:

1. I will not say anything bad about anyone.

2. I will go to church and stay for the entire service.  (at 91 3 hours of service can be a bit much…it can be a bit much at any age…just saying)

3. I will not complain about my health.

I was in awe….at 91 year old, she is still resolving to be a better person.  She is all ready the most genuine, loving, kind, thoughtful & precious women on the planet and yet she still see’s room for raising the bar a little higher every year.

Resolving To Raise The Bar

life long resolutionsMy heart is warm and my life is full of amazing people who make such a difference every day.  Thanks to Grandma, I am reminded of just how wonderful I am, how much I have to offer by just being me.  I have decided that 2012 is my year of ORDER so my resolutions this year are:

1. I will take back MY dreams, MY ambitions, MY time & MY life this year.  Focus will be my friend.

2. I will not say anything bad about anybody.  (Yes, borrowing this one from good old Grandma, but I need it.)

3. I will write about what matters most to ME…helping people.  Yes, people matter most to me.  More than pets even (probably lost a few of you by saying that but my passion is helping people live life with passion, get out of the medical gauntlet & let go of limitations)

So there you have it.  Resolutions of my 91 year old Grandma are resolutions worth keeping for life & have inspired me to be a better person.  Who inspires you?

No Hype Just Help,

Dani Walker

About the Author

Sassy, classy and kick a$$y Marketing Muse with a passion for living life well. Author/Creator: Education Beats Medication Wellness Series & My Money My Vote Ambassador. I help solopreneurs build their online brand with less stress & more success.

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