Leader of the Pack

By Dani Walker

How can I tell if I am a leader of the pack?

I just got back from our son’s Christmas concert & boy did it hurt.  Do you remember being new?  I mean really new.  The first time you walked, talked, ran, sang, played an instrument or a sport?

Talk about awkward…right and so scary, learning all the rules, figuring out gravity, balance, when, where and why.  For some time it is all foreign but when there is a team involved it helps.  When the entire band plays, it makes your playing better (no matter how good or bad they play).  When surrounded by team mates we will take risks we would NEVER take on our own.  I am so very thankful for the amazing team of people I play “life” with.  Each of them brings a unique gift to the table and together we all achieve more!

It hurts our ego, our body & our spirit to lose or be embarrassed, but it builds character.  Some of life’s greatest trials have lead me to my greatest triumphs & I can personally say that without the trial, I would have never grown or changed.  Learning (for me) is usually forced because I like my “comfort zone”.  It is so comfortable.

I know I am rambling but tonight I was reminded, after 1 1/2 hours of somewhat painful listening, that stepping over the dollar to pick up a dime is a severe oversight. dah!

The greatest gift in life is knowledge.  The “know how” of life is very rewarding & we ALL want to know how; to make money, to live healthy, to parent our kids, to communicate successfully, to, to, to (you fill in the blank).

Attending this simple concert with my 5th grader was quite an experience, one I most certainly did not expect.

Look forward to more of my rambling as this enlightenment unfolds.  I have been a seeker of knowledge my entire life.  I am very independent and not willing to take “because I said so” as an answer.

On this cold, dark night I leave you with this –

“The darker the world gets, the brighter are those of us who CHOOSE to be a light!”  Jack Walker

This is just one of many inspirational and amazing “Jackism’s” from my hubby who truly is a Knight in shining armor to many, including me.

Goodnight for now… this post is dedicated to a true friend & leader of the pack – Erik Despain (he overcomes, inspires & motivates me daily).

Dani Walker

About the Author

Sassy, classy and kick a$$y Marketing Muse with a passion for living life well. Author/Creator: Education Beats Medication Wellness Series & My Money My Vote Ambassador. I help solopreneurs build their online brand with less stress & more success.

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