Science is proving that there are natural nutrients which have the power to reverse aging. Telomere support supplements like TSX utilize these highly concentrated actives to slow and possibly reverse the aging process within your cells , turning back the hands of time.
TS-X uses a wide variety of completely natural ingredients from many plant and herbal sources to create a immensely powerful, highly concentrated Telomere Support supplement and the best part is TSX is half the cost of the telomere support supplement recommended by Doctors & I don’t have to pay for a Doctors visit to get it!
From Dani Walker: “Jack & I have been taking TSX for 13 months now. Jack bicycles 30-40 miles 3 times a week and feels marvelous. At 37 yrs young my mental clarity and overall well-being has improved as well. On Jan 25th 2013, we met Robert Foote a 90 year old man (chronilogically) who had his telomeres tested in June 2012 & tested at 62 biologically…not bad. He started taking 3 tsx in June 2012 & retested his telomeres in January 2013. After 6 months of taking TSX his biological age was 49! My hope is to stay 39 forever…I know I’m not 39 yet but when I’m 90 chronologically, I want to be 39 biologically and I believe TSX has the ability to help me meet this health goal.”
1. China: Astragalosides (considered the “a” grade of telomere support ingredients). SISEL concentrates the key extract from 3 tons of Astragalus root to make 3 pounds of active extract – super concentration.
The astragalus root contains cycloastragenols and astragalosides, two powerful molecules that have been implicated in activating telomerase enzyme production. Research suggests that large doses of these molecules have the potential to not only prevent telomere depletion but to actually rebuild the telomere that has already been lost.
2. India: Bacopasides (considered the “b” grade ingredient for telomere support).
3. Fortified with a massive array of complex antioxidants, designed to protect telomeres from the hotspot degradation caused by free radicals oxidizers.
4. TS-X retails for $125 a bottle (30 capsules) & can be purchased for a little as $87 a bottle compatred to the cost of the formulation doctors are currently selling is $219 per 30 capsules.
These along with the many other concentrated extracts, have been tested extensively, individually and collectively used in many natural medicine formulations, some for thousands of years. Their safety record is both excellent and compatible with foods, other herbs and natural formulas. Caution should be always used with prescription drugs & checking with a health care practitioner is always advised.
Nobel Prize Winning Science – The 2009 Nobel Prize in Physiology of Medicine was awarded jointly to Elizabeth H. Blackburn, Carol W. Greider, and Jack W. Szostak for their discoveries into cell division and into how chromosomes can be copied without degradation. The key was found in maintaining healthy telomeres, the protective ends of chromosomes, by reigniting the growth of telomerase, the enzyme that forms them. Certain astragalus molecules have been found to contribute to telomere growth, effectively reversing the aging process & supporting telomeres.
TS-X is most effective if taken just before bedtime, on an empty stomach if possible to maximize potential. If taking more than one capsule per day they can be taken together or for best results, take half first thing in the morning and half in the evening just before bedtime.
Age 25-50. Use 1-2 capsules daily according to health, activity, environmental stresses, endurance, strength, stamina and youthful desires or needs. Be your own best judge of your level of support, or follow a physician’s advice, to support the healthy maintenance of Telomere length and strength. As you approach 50 and according to your physical and mental fitness, consider increasing a dosage to 2 or more capsules per day. Taking more capsules will give you added and bonus support for Telomere health.
Age 50-70. Use 2-3 capsules daily. This is a more critical time in life for many and the added support is so important for muscles, bones, tissues, organs, eyes, skin, hair, hearing, brain, energy, sexual enhancement, endurance, strength, general good health and youthful vitality. Do not be afraid to take more capsules if you feel you need the boost in support. Remember the effects are subtle but self-evident. Sisel believe perceptible changes and improvements in these aforementioned areas take place starting as early as 3 to 6 months and continue to provide increasing support with continual usage.
Age 70+. Use 3 or more capsules daily. This is a critical time in most people’s lives, where the ultimate support can be so important to living a longer, healthier more youthful life. Age does not have to be a barrier but more like an indicator of elapsed time, with good health support, nutrition, activity, and the advanced Telomere Support Supplements like TS-X you can grow young. Aging is not a disease but a condition based upon degeneration. This gives people options that TS-X can greatly enhance. Your physical look, feeling of health, energy, well-being and youthful vitality are indicators of true aging.
Telomeres & Aging
The average age of death is 70’s but the genetic potential laying within us is up to 150 years, which means most people are dying at middle age. It seems no one dies of old age but of a disease they usually contract somewhere after their 50’s where their biological functions have deteriorated enough to allow it to take hold. We, along with many Nobel Prize winning scientists, believe that health, exercise, nutrition and Telomere support may all play a big part in changing this condition.
Since aging is not a disease it is a treatable condition where many factors may be involved. Products like TS-X and Eternity go hand in hand in providing massive support & anti-aging benefits. With the immense power recently discovered science has made it possible to create these two dynamic formulas using completely natural, plant based actives.
Based upon Sisels evaluation and determination of scientific research into telomere health, condition, maintenance, nutritional support, and telomere length and viability, TS-X has a suggested guideline for approximate dosing options. Testing your telomere strength and count is advisable to measure how well your support program is doing. Sisel advises to have the test once a year, although it is not necessary but a viable option to see how well your program is working for you and to estimate your approximate biological age in a method for a general estimate. You can go Spectracell lab to read more about telomere testing.
Grow young with TS-X and Eternity
USE ETERNITY to boost the benefits of TS-X. Support your Telomeres with the massive power of TS-X and support your body’s vitality and activity with the immense power of Eternity (pure trans reveratrol formula: resveratrol activates the Sirt1 gene) for a 1-2 punch to fight aging & provide the support to potentially reverse it.
The Science Behind Aging
Sisel mega formulation (TS-X) based on the greatest of the science supporting Telomeres. Telomerase is the enzyme that rebuilds Telomere units. Telomeres are the structural units on the tips of chromosomes/DNA. They are necessary to create new cells. At birth there are about 10 thousand Telomere units. Over a person’s lifetime they are depleted to about 5 thousand units, they can no longer keep up providing enough new cells to replace dying ones, scientists theorize. At that point the end of a person’s life is near.
Each time a cell divides, there are less telomere units left. Free radicals also destroy them so Telomere units are depleted over a lifetime. As units on a chromosome decrease, the less cells the body will produce. Soon there may enough units left to be able to keep up with your normal loss of cells in tissues and organs. As loss of units happened in a person’s life, health declines rapidly. Sisel is introduces TS-X, a powerful formulation to support Telomeres.
Health Benefits of Bacopa & Astragalus: 2 key TS-X Ingredients
Bacopa: Bacopa monnieri is an herb that has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years. Now, several studies have found that it is indeed a powerful medicinal herb. Here are 7 health benefits of bacopa.
Anxiety – Studies in humans have found that bacopa supplements may help to reduce stress and anxiety. These studies found that it needs to be taken regularly in order to achieve these results.
Cognitive Function – In India, bacopa is known as a brain tonic because it can be used to improve learning problems, memory, and concentration. Recent research backs up this traditional usage. A study on older, healthy Australians at Southern Cross University in New South Wales, Australia found that bacopa has a remarkable ability to improve memory acquisition and retention.
Alzheimer’s Disease – One 2007 study at Texas A&M University found that bacopa reduced amyloid deposits in mice with Alzheimer’s.
Depression – A study at Banaras Hindu University in India found that the effectiveness of bacopa monniera on the symptoms of major depression was comparable to the drug imipramine.
Cancer Prevention and Treatment – Bacopa has long been used in the treatment of cancer in Ayurvedic medicine. A 1995 study found that bacopa caused cancer cells in mice to self destruct. More research needs to be done to evaluate bacopa’s full anti-cancer potential.
Anti-Fungal – A study published in the International Journal of Pharmacology found that bacopa has antifungal properties against Microsporum (responsible for ringworm and other diseases), Aspergillus flavus (infects the lungs and brain and produces aflatoxin, a carcinogen), Aspergillus niger (causes fungal ear infections and lung disease), and Trichophyton rubrum (responsible for athlete’s foot, jock itch, and ringworm).
Irritable Bowel Syndrome – One study found that bacopa, when taking with bael fruit, was more effective than conventional treatment in patients with severe diarrhea associated with irritable bowel syndrome. In patients with constipation as the main IBS symptom, conventional treatment worked better. However, both conventional treatment and the bacopa/bael treatment worked better than placebo in all cases. There hasn’t yet been research on bacopa’s effect on IBS without bael fruit.
Astragalus: (Astragalus membranaceus) has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for thousands of years. It was often combined with other herbs to strengthen the body against disease. Astragaus is called an adaptogen, meaning it is thought to help protect the body against various stresses, including physical, mental, or emotional stress.
Astragalus has been used for the following:
I hope this answers any questions you may have about this revolutionary new product. The benefits stated above are associated with the 2 active key ingredients Bacopa & Astragalus but please realize the key “actives” are concentrated extracts astragaloside and bacopaside which are much more highly effective.
For example: The raspberry is considered a super food but the key active in the raspberry is ellagic acid – thus extracting & using only the active in high concentration will provide much higher benefit than simply eating 1 raspberry.
Telomere Support Supplements: How TSX Is Made
Sisel manufacturers TS-X in its own green and organic, cGMP & NSF approved manufacturing facility in Springville Utah. Sisel has an extensive research & development laboratory. Each raw ingredient or extract and the final formulation is thoroughly tested, including stages throughout its manufacturing process and for years after. This ensures purity, authenticity of actives ingredients and the levels of the essential ingredients being met according to the formulation.
This facility is open for touring every Friday. To schedule at tour contact Dani Walker.
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