Bold ~ Vulnerable ~ Empowering ~ Sassy
Hey there, I’m Dani! I’m unapologetically – psychologically unemployable & living my best life.
I’m a mother & wife, living in the beautiful Pacific NW. I inherited my ferocious entrepreneurial spirit from both parents and refuse to work a 9-5! My husband, Jack, has been my greatest inspirations in living life on my terms and going against status quo.
I’m a MOM ON A MISSION, helping entrepreneurs build their online business so they can live their offline BLISS!
This crazy BYOB internet journey started in 2008 when I was desperately researching natural treatment for Sarcoidosis and literally NOBODY was talking about it. There was a need, so I filled it by turning 5 years of tenacious research, education & experience etc. into my Education Beats Medicaiton Total Wellness Series to help those ready to think outside the prescription. After all you can’t live your BLISS, sick.
Wellness truly IS the connection of paths between knowledge & action. I do my part to ensure our next generation experiences this reality!
While doing all web development and online marketing for our restaurant and other businesses, many people wanted to know how to take their business to the net and by “word-of-mount” I became a #marketingmuse. This lead from one client to several but most do not have a budget for personal 1-on-1 consulting.
I continue to share what I learn and help small business owners, entrepreneurs and network marketers build a big brand online through effective coaching courses that don’t cost two arms and a leg.
I am SUPER excited to say that I’m the sassy spouse of a Sarcoidosis survivor who has been in remission since 2009!
Until 2004 I took my families health & wealth for granted. It took a debilitating disease called Sarcoidosis to bring us to physical wellness. Through this character-building experience, we came to the realization that cells heal the body, not medications & invasive surgeries. DUH!
As you can see, my passion for helping entrepreneurs leverage the net to build their own business rivals my mission to challenge the masses to think outside the prescription and LIVE LIFE WELL.
I believe that both wellness and business go hand in hand—but I don’t believe either need to be stressful or take all hours of your life. In fact, it just takes a few SHIFTS, online and in life, to live your offline BLISS. Remember #shifthappens & #lifetakesGRIT so make the BEST OF IT.
Cheers To Living Life Well,
Wanna know how to make the shift? A text gets my attn (208) 715-8277