
Questionnaire For Working With Dani


Please answer the questions below so I can best understand how I can help you create your life by design. After reviewing I will be in touch and we will set up a time to have a phone conversation.

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Dina Ence

Hi Dani, Hi Jack,

I just wanted to say hi and thank you for starting your radio show. I do not know how many people in our community will listen to alternative health but it sure is worth a try and I think this is a perfect way to get the word out (yes, I totally agree about Safeway, I get mad every-time I have to go there) I myself have been struggling with some health issues and have tried so many things ( alternative medicine) to get to the bottom of my condition. I have so much faith in the body to heal itself, if we can just figure out what it needs and get out of its way. I am on a different path again, always trying something new. I recently hooked up with a Nutritional Therapist and have started her protocol. I have found through hair mineral analysis (what’s going on at the cellular level) that I am very deficient in many minerals and toxic in heavy metals, I am on a detox diet, taking supplements, and doing some cleansing. I was wondering if Jack had ever found out if he had heavy metal toxicity or what minerals he may or may not be deficient in? Also, I heard him say that he did some full body cleansing and was curious what method he used. Your products do sound interesting, I am going to follow what I am doing for now and see how I do, maybe I will be able to incorporate later. Keep up the good work and I look forward to listening to you each week to learn with you. Oh, I purchased the movie “Fresh The Movie” if you are interested in viewing it, it’s another movement for sustainable, organic, agriculture. I also just signed a petition against allowing FDA approved, GMO Salmon…..OH BOY! THEY ARE KILLING US WITH THIS CRAP!

Dina (aka Annie)


    Hello Dina, so glad to have you as part of our pervasive wellness community! I am glad to hear that you are going to a Nutritional Therapist as well. Yes, Jack is taking a liquid mineral supplements called Supramaxx. Due to the fact that our lands are 70-75% depleted in trace mineral & nutrients, it is EXTREMELY important for people to be supplementing their diets with essential minerals in an ionic form combined with fulvates to increase absorption. This form of supplementation also helps our body get rid of heavy metal build up. I hope you are switching your cosmetics as well. Most are very high in lead, cadmium, aluminum etc. Even those that say mineral makeup can be filled with heavy metals.
    Thank you for your reply & I look forward to more! You have sparked my next post ~ mineral depletion & me! keep in touch and opt in to enter the monthly product giveaway.

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