SlenderPops ~ Sugar Free, Natural, Organic & Safe for Diabetics
Hoodia X 3 ~ Sugar Free ~ Natural & Organic Weight loss
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Recently one of the world’s leading biotechnology research laboratories specializing in exotic plant science investigated weight loss properties of other types of exotic species of cactus. These scientists theorize that other specialized cactus varieties may be EVEN MORE EFFECTIVE for natural & organic weight loss support than Hoodia!
Their investigations yielded astonishing results from a rare “Opuntia Ficus Indica” cactus found deep within the arid deserts of the Sahara, believed to be far superior to that found in Hoodia. These newly discovered extracts not only support appetite suppression but also contain two additional accelerated weight loss support activities.
Slender pops contain a combination of highly concentrated extracts from the rare cactus fruit Opuntia Ficus Indica.
A powerful 100% natural, patented water mobilizing extract from the Opuntia cactus fruit, loaded with quick acting powerful fat-flushing diuretic support properties for rapid weight loss.
• Fast fat-flushing diuretic activity
• Positive effect on body composition (fat/lean mass)
• Positive effect on the silhouette contouring appearance
• Mineral balance preservation
• Detoxification action and antioxidant protection
Extraordinary fiber complex with powerful fat binding properties
Thanks to a patented process, Slender pops include a unique extract also derived from Opuntia ficus indica cactus leaves. This amazing bio-extract supports “fat-binding” and “fat-flushing” activity, attracting and bonding to fats until much of it is excreted from the body. Traditionally fat binders used for weight loss in the past have often failed or performed poorly because the fat they attach to is released prematurely into the intestine when the pH chemistry in the intestine changes. This released fat is then able to be absorbed into the body, making most fat and carb binders ineffective.
The fat binding fiber from this rare cactus extract used in Slender Pops does not release the fat during transport through the digestive system as others do. Rather, it encapsulates and strongly binds to fat until it is released completely from the body.
This powerful fat binding extract has been clinically tested and has been shown to support:
• Reduction of fat absorption into the body
• Decrease in free fat by more than 28%
• Increase in fat excretion on an average of 27%
• Positive influence on Syndrome X affecting weight gain
Clinical studies show that supplementing with Xylitol may be beneficial for tooth and gum support. Research clearly established that Xylitol may provide additional help in the battle against tooth decay and plaque accumulation.
Clinical Studies and Abstracts:An integral part of the Sisel SlenderPops Weight Loss Program and may support your body’s ability to:
• Suppress appetite, sending satisfied messages to the brain
• Boost energy levels
• Sustain healthy weight management safely with no negative side effects
South African bushmen rely on Hoodia to suppress hunger and alleviate thirst. Sucking on pieces of Hoodia plant along the way is often chosen over carrying food which makes them better able to weather the affects of their environment. While ingesting Hoodia in a capsule was not very effective, sucking on it seems to be the key.
No high fructose corn syrup, no sugar, no artificial sweeteners with potentially harmful ingredients.
A few of the health risks that have been linked to them include:
Sugar | Weight Gain, Type 1 or 2 Diabetes, Dental Issues Cholesterol, Hyperactivity, Anxiety, Difficulty Concentrating, Hypoglycemia, Drowsiness |
High Fructose Corn Syrup |
Weight Gain, Fatty Liver, Type 1 or 2 Diabetes, Heart Disease, Cancer, Cholesterol |
Sucralose, Aspartame | Weight Gain, Depression, Anxiety, Bloating, Diarrhea, Nausea, Swelling, Wheezing, Chest Pains, Moods Swings, Memory Loss, Migraines, Insomnia, Fatigue |
SlenderPOPs’ rapid effects and effective weight loss support are obtained simply by sucking on a delicious lollipop, combining its revolutionary ingredients with salivary enzymes. This rapidly and effectively increases absorption through the digestive system into the body, sustains and supports satiety and your weight loss program throughout your active day.
This delivery system combined with its enormous diuretic water fat flushing support combined with Optunia’s aggressive fat binding potential throughout the entire digestive tract is what makes Slenderpops so effective over other forms of weight management programs.
1) Take one SlenderPOP twice daily 30 minutes before a meal to support appetite suppressing and fat binding activity. Drink a glass of water before eating a SlenderPOP and a glass just after for optimal benefits.
2) Cut down on daily food consumption to reduce caloric intake and maintain a healthy 2,000 calorie per day or less diet while diligently avoiding or reducing fat in meals or fatty foods.
3) Increase daily exercise by at least 10 to 20 minutes to add further benefits to your weight loss program. A brisk walk is all that is needed.
Reverse It ALL through Education NOT Medication – Slender Pops – Hoodia Weight Loss: Natrual & Organic Weight Loss! Fight obesity with candy! Sounds crazy but with Slenderpops it actually works.
A revolution in healthy candy without artificial sweetners. To Order @ Wholesale click Slenderpops or contact me & get additional support & info.
Health Advocate,
Dani Walker