Cows Produce Human Breast Milk?

By Dani Walker

cows produce human milk

Why Should Cows Produce Human Breast Milk?

cows produce human milkWould you breast feed a cow?  No, really, I want to know why we even think that a cow should ever produce human milk?  90% of American’s are lactose intolerant, so it makes no sense that we drink regular cow milk let alone genetically modified “human” cow milk.  Li’s team, which is supported by a major Chinese biotechnology company, aims to have an affordable form of the milk on the market within three years.  What do you think about drinking human milk from a cow?  cows produce human breast milk

I understand that China is concerned about the series of poisonings and toxin scandals that have shaken consumer trust in their dairy sector and its products but this seems to be “udderly” ridiculous to me that they would think cows that produce human breast milk would raise consumer trust!

In 2008, at least six children died and nearly 300,000 fell ill from drinking powdered milk laced with melamine, an industrial chemical added to low quality or diluted milk to fool inspectors checking for protein levels.  I just wonder how drinking “human” cow milk is going to fix it?

“The genetically modified cow milk is 80 percent the same as human breast milk,” lead researcher Dr. Li Ning, professor at China Agricultural University, told Reuters.

Cloning Cows To Produce Human Breast Milk

“Our goal was to raise the nutritional value of cows’ milk by adding two human genes, the protein lactoferrin, which provides infants with anti-bacterial and anti-viral protection, and lysozyme, which is also an anti-bacterial agent,” said researcher Adrian Mutto

That’s all well and good but I just want to know WHY they feel genetically altered cows

benefits of fucoidan

Fucoidan "Virgin Mother's Milk"

producing human milk is the answer when natural nutrients like fucoidan have provided humans with anti-bacterial, anti-viral & immune boosting benefits WITHOUT genetic modification for thousands of years.   I find it extremely ironic that the very culture that has referred to Fucoidan as “Virgin Mother’s Milk” for over two millennium is now genetically modifying cows to produce human breast milk.  When did Mother’s Milk become “not good enough”?

•“fucoidan contains the same type of antibodies found in mother’s milk in the first week.” Prominent Japanese researcher Dr. Kyosuke Owa M.D.


I think this is more for the future of science and profit than the future “health” of our children.  We are getting so far away from the natural that I sometimes feel I am in the “Twilight Zone”.  What do you think?

I apologize if the picture above offends you but if it caused you to re-think and read this, then I feel it was worth  including.

About the Author

Sassy, classy and kick a$$y Marketing Muse with a passion for living life well. Author/Creator: Education Beats Medication Wellness Series & My Money My Vote Ambassador. I help solopreneurs build their online brand with less stress & more success.

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