Empowering A Paradigm

By Dani Walker

Empowering A Paradigm

“A new scientific truth is not usually presented in a way to convince its opponents.  Rather, they die off, and a rising generation is familiarized with the truth from the start.”  –Max Planck

I think we are empowering a paradigm.  No longer are we “blinded by the light” of governments and corporations that aim to kill, steal & devour our health, wealth & happiness – one pill at a time.  We as a people are seeking truth, freedom & choosing to take back our lives.

It IS Time For Empowering A Paradigm

  • In 2003 Dr. Allen Roses, international vice president of Glaxo-SmithKline, one of the major manufactures of drugs in the world, admitted in a public interview “The vast majority of drugs – more than 90% – only work on 30 to 50% of the people.”
  • Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine said “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food. ” over 2,500 years ago.  How far have we ventured away from this simple yet effective truth?
  • Correctly prescribed medications make over 2 million people sicker every year, killing over 100,000 people yearly, while mistakes involving prescription meds kills another 100,000 a year.
  • “You can trace every sickness, every disease and every ailment to a mineral [a nutrient] deficiency,” Dr. Linus Pauling, the only person in history who was awarded two unshared Nobel Prizes.
  • “For every drug that benefits a patient, there is a natural substance that can achieve the same effect.” — Pfeiffer’s Law, Dr. Carl C. Pfeiffer, M.D., PhD.

In a time where Americans are the most overfed, malnourished, unhealthy society in the world we need to start empowering a paradigm.  Health care (I refer to it as sickness care) costs exceeded $1.8 trillion last year & for some reason cancer, diabetes & heart disease are STILL on the rise?  empowering paradigm

For me, this is a sure sign that chemo, radiation, lipitor & insulin are NOT the answer.  The CDC-Center for disease control & prevention has a mission to save lives, protect people & save money through prevention and yet they predicted that by 2050 every single person on the planet will suffer some form of cancer in their lifetime!  So much for prevention?

“Chemotherapy is only effective in 2% of cancers in addition to reducing remaining quality and length of life, and over 50% of those few who are supposedly “cured” by chemotherapy develop secondary cancers from the chemo and biopsies,” Ralph Moss

Why aren’t they teaching on the power of nutrition, the power of positive thinking, the power of exercise, the power of proper hydration to prevent cancer?  Where is all the funding for so called “preventative research” really going?

“The significant problems we have cannot be solved at the same level of thinking with which we created them.” –Albert Einstein

I challenge you to start empowering your own paradigm.  Start asking all the questions you think about so often.  Start believing you deserve and can achieve what ever you so long for.  No longer come from a “lack” thought, seek guidance from those that have what you want in your life.  Take back your health! Take back your wealth! Take back you happiness!

Take Back Your Life!


About the Author

Sassy, classy and kick a$$y Marketing Muse with a passion for living life well. Author/Creator: Education Beats Medication Wellness Series & My Money My Vote Ambassador. I help solopreneurs build their online brand with less stress & more success.

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