10 Ways To Improve Overall Health

By Dani Walker

ways to improve overall health

Improve Overall Health & Well Being

1) Count the positive. Research at the University of Miami showed that people who literally count their blessings have a greater sense of well-being.

2) Be thankful. This is a truly amazing way to improve overall health.  People experience a better mood for up to a month after they give a letter of gratitude to someone who has been kind to them.

3) Make friends. Chronic loneliness is associated with higher rates of high blood pressure, inactivity, smoking & stress, according to several studies.

ways to improve overall health4) Volunteer. People who donate an average of four hours a week to good causes show a greater sense of optimism, self-esteem, and sociability as reported in an Australian study made in February 2009.

5) Focus on the present. It was proven that employees who participate in an eight-week meditation course based on mindfulness, of focusing on the here and now, show less anxiety. In these studies, brain scans showed greater activity in the region associated with happiness even four months after the course ended.

6) Follow your passion. Have you noticed how, too often, we give up the things we enjoy most and set out for a very narrowed life. When you’re aware of this, take time to identify what you love doing, or would love to try… and do it!

7) Move. Do some moderate exercising for about an hour each day to ensure a fresh supply of fresh air in your body. This oxygen exchange between blood and air helps.  Exercise also helps give you a sense of control and can ease depression effectively.  For those with respiratory problems like Sarcoidosis be sure to subscribe to my “7 Steps To Optimal Health” for the best exercises.

8) Laugh. No doubt that a good laugh helps reduce stress, and maintain a healthy immune system. Laughing also improves arterial blood flow.

9) Tap on your thymus gland. Located in the upper part of the chest behind the breastbone is the thymus gland, a nursery for immune system cells to help fight infection. The unfortunate truth is that the older we get, the smaller this organ shrinks. However, there is an exercise to help stimulate the thymus gland and boost the health of your immune system. Gently tap with your fist on the middle of the breastbone for a few minutes every morning.

10) Drink water. Again, need I remind you that our bodies lose three liters of water daily through urine, perspiration and breathing. Too little fluid in our body inhibits the efficient working of the blood and lymph systems which reduces energy and contributes to a sluggish feeling. Eight to ten glasses a day is recommended. It is best room temperature & PLEASE filter!

It has taken me 37 years to REALLY realize the improving my health and well being is my responsibility and as a Mother I find that I am much better at taking care of other people.  This year (2013) I AM taking time to take care of me.  I hope you found this helpful and I encourage you to subscribe to “7 Steps To Optimal Health” where I share many more wonderful tips for taking care of you!


About the Author

Sassy, classy and kick a$$y Marketing Muse with a passion for living life well. Author/Creator: Education Beats Medication Wellness Series & My Money My Vote Ambassador. I help solopreneurs build their online brand with less stress & more success.

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