Life Or Death
Sometimes we get to these places in life where we are at the end… the end of our rope, the end of the road, the end – where the crossroad meets & there is no going back.
Do you see a car or a casket in this picture?
Today may be the day you realize you are there – the end of something & now what? What is next for you? How can you mean something more than this? What power do you have over this circumstance?
I challenge you to realize you mean something more. I challenge you because I know you want more, more than 9 to 5, more than medications and nursing homes, more than life & death. We all do but few fight for it, few believe they can achieve it, few reach the pinnacle of something more before giving up.
It was a hot Monday afternoon as I sat on the steps of the UPS center waiting for a customer. Just another dreaded Monday at work as my sick husband spent the day getting more tests ran. Another day of worry, another day of questioning life and what it is all about, another day of wondering if I would be raising two boys on my own…another day.
I was so tired. Our life, our days should mean something more than this. We were far too young to be dealing with such physical and financial destruction. Sarcoidosis was sucking the life right out of our universe.
(As I type I am provoked to anger with the 3 years we spent barely surviving this battle. If only we knew then what we know now….but those struggles would never mean something more, nor fuel my fire if we had not lived them.)
I was at the end, at the crossroad where one way lead to more medications, bills, tests & uncertainty & another complete uncertainty but it was my call, my decision & my life. Did I want to miss out on the last few years of my husband’s life, did I want to seek alternative help outside of the “medical gauntlet”, or did I want to keep doing what everyone said was best even though it only seemed to make things worse?
I knew the risks, days had turned into years weighing them. I was at the end of the road & I chose for it all to mean something more.
Mean Something More
I did what any sane wife & Mother would do, I quit my “stable job” with full benefits & went white water rafting with my boys for the Summer!
A year passed before we found any relief for Jack. Our finances were tight but we had each other.
I started researching more about Sarcoidosis, natural remedies & the underlying cause of the disease. I knew there had to be more than steroids & cancer drugs for so called treatment.
Then finally we found it…a solution to his physical health which became a solution to our financial health as well.
Jack is whole, takes no medications & is symptom free – he has survived Sarcoidosis Naturally & is spreading a message few have the courage to share…one of hope for healing, one of true freedom & one few dare to travel. It all means something more now, now that we help other people with Sarcoidosis overcome the physical and financial strain, now that we look forward to building our future, to creating a life rather than surviving it.
Never, never, never give up. You read this for a reason, this is not my usual “health post” it is a call, a call to action – where the rubber meets the road and the end is your new beginning. You are looking for something, you mean something more – now Take Back Your Life & tell the world.
Sassy, classy and kick a$$y Marketing Muse with a passion for living life well. Author/Creator: Education Beats Medication Wellness Series & My Money My Vote Ambassador. I help solopreneurs build their online brand with less stress & more success.
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