Natural Treatment For Sarcoidosis Your Dr. Does Not Know About

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Natural Treatment For Sarcoidosis –
In 3 years of medical treatment for Sarcoidosis, never once did any of the specialists Jack saw mention the power of nutrition. Never did they say that there is science proving the a diet high in raw fruits and vegetables could be helpful. They never raised question to his daily diet, asked about Vitamin D or talked to him about things he could do to help take off some prednisone weight.
It was not until he found a natural treatment for Sarcoidosis that I started researching & found the connection between oxidative stress & Sarcoidosis. Here are 5 published scientific studies suggesting that supplementing with broad spectrum antioxidant nutrition could help slow and/or reverse the signs of Sarcoidosis.
There are 28 studies total but I did not want this post to be a book – to check them all out just go to or click sarcoidosis oxidative stress to read all 28 studies.
First of all Oxidative stress is an imbalance between oxidants -reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reactive nitrogen species (RNS) and antioxidants that may affect lipids, DNA, carbohydrates and proteins. Science has identified around 2200 different groups of free radicals (oxidants) in our bodies & Sarcoidosis patients have much higher oxidative stress levels than people without Sarc.
Every one of these studies can be researched by clicking on the blue word & you can read the entire findings for yourself to draw your own conclusion but I consider my husband Jack living proof that these studies are right. His sarcoidosis has been in remission for 33 months now through supplementing with 3 broad spectrum antioxidant liquid nutritionals. These supplements have been his only sarcoidosis treatment since 2009.
5 Pubmed Studies On Natural Treatment For Sarcoidosis
1. ROS – reactive oxygen species are responsible for the tissue damage in interstitial lung diseases (ILDs) such as lung fibrosis or sarcoidosis. This is a lead in the development of new therapies and of suggesting optimal antioxidant dietary regimes.
Dani’s take: It this is a lead in “suggesting optimal antioxidant dietary regimes” then why aren’t Dr.s and specialist SUGGESTING it?
2. A potential role of oxidative stress in the step by step development of a disease and the chain of events leading to diffuse lung diseases (DLD) has been demonstrated. Increased oxidant levels and decreased antioxidant defenses can contribute to the progression of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, sarcoidosis, pneumoconiosis and pulmonary fibrosis associated with systemic sclerosis.
Dani’s take: Again this study supports the power of a high antioxidant diet to help Sarcoidosis and other DLD’s so why aren’t people being informed and educated on this?
3. Future studies should explore the clinical relevance of the relation of oxidative stress, antioxidant therapy and cardiac dysfunction in sarcoidosis.
Dani’s take: How many more studies is it going to take before a nutritional regimen is part of ALL Sarcoidosis treatment?

Natural Treatment For Sarcoidosis
4. Sarcoidosis patients might benefit from antioxidant supplementation not only by empowering the relatively low protection against ROS but also by reducing inflammation.
Dani’s take: OK, I just have to ask you to read this statement 1 more time & ask yourself why Dr.s & specialists don’t recommend antioxidant supplementation!!! Jack was NEVER informed of these studies not their results. Thank goodness I stumbled on them through my own research AFTER his specialists stopped treating him.
5. Oxidative mechanisms are currently discussed as playing a crucial role in the pathogenesis of inflammatory lung diseases. Oxidative stress increases in sarcoidosis might be due to both increase in lipid peroxidation and decrease in antioxidant status (PON1).
When It Comes To Natural Treatment For Sarcoidosis, Results Matter.
My husband Jack is just one of many people who have chosen to incorporate broad spectrum antioxidant supplements into their daily routine with excellent benefits! Betty has suffered with Sarcoidosis, diabetes & uveitis for 15 years and you can listen to her amazing results after just a few weeks on this natural Sarcoidosis treatment regimen.
If you have Sarcoidosis or any other autoimmune disease please do your research, share this information and help raise awareness for natural treatments that work for many diseases. Dare to think outside the prescription & stop the suffering.
Pervasive Wellness Diva,
Dani Walker
P.S. My Thoughts On Sarcoidosis Treatment
I saved this for the last…because many don’t like to hear what I have to say. So if you start to get uncomfortable, stop reading and keep doing exactly what western medicine doctors tell you. Disease is scary and no one wants to lose a loved one so I understand your apprehension because we chose the Allopathic route for 3 years as well.
I am going to focus on natural Sarcoidosis treatment specifically because this is the disease that tried to steal my husband. Many diseases can be helped with these natural remedies, just check out the testimonials above.
First of all, if you read this post, re-read it and know that these are published medical studies in the National Library of Medicine – not every study gets published just the ones with result worth publishing. Most never even get finished because it is quickly realized by the “funders” of these HIGHLY expensive studies that they are not worth continuing. Here we have 26 published on natural Sarcoidosis treatment with broad spectrum antioxidants.
After discovering these studies through much research (up late at night, worrying my hubby may not make it & trying to find answers) I read in amazement. Natural treatment for Sarcoidosis could work!? Why didn’t our Dr.s and specialists ever tell Jack to supplement with a broad spectrum antioxidant? What if it actually helps? Well, guess what…it did, it does and it could for you too.
Jack takes only 1/2 oz. of 3 liquid nutritionals, Fucoydon, Spectramaxx & Eternity, every

Dani's Husband Jack: How to recover from Sarcoidosis. A seemingly incurable disease.
day and has been symptom free for almost 3 years. No more drugs, vertigo, pain, fatigue, coughing, colds………proof that an optimal antioxidant dietary regime can work (stated above in study #1)!
Our entire story as well as lots of other results and research are here for you to gain hope and share with those seeking natural sarcoidosis treatment & regenerative nutrition.
“Wellness is the connection of paths between knowledge and action.” Dani Walker
Restoring hope for health and wellness!
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