Wow, it’s been so long since I’ve written that I almost forgot my website login. Pretty sad, but life is crazy and when opportunity knocks I always answer. I may not accept the opportunity but I always answer the door. Don’t you? I really want to know. (Amy, if you are reading this, I’m downloading Roboform as soon as I publish this post!!!!)
Have you ever noticed that many times opportunity looks like a heap of stinky laundry? You don’t want to do it, but you want to wear it. We ALL want “it” (success, freedom, money, travel, marriage…) without having to achieve it, or at least we think we do.
Years ago something horrific happened to my family. Something I would never wish on anyone, yet most can relate because their own family has been hit by a stinky stack of it as well…dis-ease, rare and uncommon, incurable…DIS-EASE! YAY Opportunity! 🙂
I can look back on the past 10 years and say, “Under that stinky pile of opportunity lies a world of endless possibility.” Dani Walker
Once the stench of Jack’s diagnosis subsided, we thought it was best to let the Drs “deal” with the mess. 3 years passed and we decided that maybe WE should take charge. 18 months later, Jack was in remission and has remained so, since.
I had no idea that the opportunity to become an author, speaker and wellness coach was in my stars…I did not know that I would also become quite good at building websites and driving traffic to them to spread my message, help small businesses brand themselves, meet and establish amazing friendships and more opportunities.
Most of all, I had no idea Sarcoidosis was the beginning of making this opportunity a reality. If it weren’t for that wretched pile of pungent laundry…you would not be reading this silly message right now! Hmmm
We all have one of those, “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” stories. What’s yours?
So here’s the message for today…
When opportunity knocks, you may not recognize it, like the way it looks, or want to put the effort out to achieve it…answer anyway. After all, you never know who will be next on the “100 most influential people in the world” list.
Back in the day (1980’s) there was a door-t0-door fax machine saleswoman who created slimming hosiery in 1998 and by 2012 she was the world’s youngest self-made female billionaire! SPANX creator Sarah Blakely literally turned a pile of dirty laundry into a multi-billion dollar business.What do you do when opportunity knocks? What dirty laundry is still shoved under the bed, being ignored? Which door do you wish you could go back and open?
Looking to take your health back: Education Beats Medication is an excellent resource.
Time To Brand Your Business: Let NetWalker Marketing Walk Your Talk
Sassy, classy and kick a$$y Marketing Muse with a passion for living life well. Author/Creator: Education Beats Medication Wellness Series & My Money My Vote Ambassador. I help solopreneurs build their online brand with less stress & more success.
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