Life outside the box: It may be hard to climb out of but the view is magnificent!
It has been an interesting week in my world. The restaurant has been featured in a very popular NW Sunset magazine the last two months in row! We just had Sergie Boutenko of Raw Family come and share his Miracle of Greens Lecture; inspiring everyone to think outside the box.
I have been on the phone with Dr.s, chiropractors and specialists across the country who want to know more about the “Triangle Of Life” supplements because of the amazing health benefits people are experiencing. Many of them were their patients! The Medical Insider radio show is growing leaps and bounds and I am just in ahh of how one small message can change thousands of lives if one small person is willing to share it.
This has been my message for the last two years. Many of you know that it took a debilitating disease to “wake me up” and turn my families life around.
I have learned that the road most traveled is filled with pot holes, cracks, floods of lies & misunderstanding. Our children are taught by a culture of marketing, pharmaceutical companies & rules that teach them not to think critically. Fallow directions or pay the consequences. We then become adults who fallow the same rule until one day…it is all worth braking!
I challenge you today to join me in thinking outside the box. I warn you that you will be a target, people will mock you but your life will be filled with purpose, passion & prosperity. This path is exciting, unusual, exhilarating; yet requires diligence & commitment. I look back at Sarcoidosis with a thankful heart. Never erase the bad only overcome it with good. “Wellness is the connection of paths between knowledge & action!” Dani Walker
Take Back Your Life Tour
It may sound drastic, but our future depends on it. Our children are watching and waiting for us to find one message worth taking a stand for. Take a stand for them, with me & for yourself. Be your own boss, create your destiny & build your OWN dreams.
If you are ready to make a living by making a difference contact me dani [at]
My name is Dani Walker & I stand with you.
Sassy, classy and kick a$$y Marketing Muse with a passion for living life well. Author/Creator: Education Beats Medication Wellness Series & My Money My Vote Ambassador. I help solopreneurs build their online brand with less stress & more success.
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