No I am not referring to how best to survive an earthquake so if you are looking for that info go to Wikipedia. The Triangle of life I am referring to are 3 liquid supplements that have saved my husband’s life, inspired this entire 600+ page blog, my 2 radio shows, not to mention 1,000’s of other people’s lives have been transformed by these super-saturated nutritional supplements.
You can read
about people with everything from Sarcoidosis to CFS and their amazing results under the testimonial tab.
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One Shot A Day Can Change Your Life!
What I would most like to point out to my readers is this: not all supplements are create equal! Wal-Mart and GNC brands may not be all their sold to be. When you take your supplements do you “feel” it? Do you get more energy, does your urine color change, do you lose weight or stop craving sweets? Have regular bowel movements?
Are the supplements you are currently taking getting flushed down the toilet?
1000’s upon 1000’s of scientific studies on each key ingredient have been performed an
d published on multiple medical libraries around the world. Check out 22,000+ at by typing in nutrients like fucoidan, resveratrol, quercetin, catechins, ellagic acid etc. etc. in the search bar.
Each supplement is in liquid form using therapeutic doses of all active ingredients. For example: you would have to eat 5 gallons of raspberries to get the therapeutic amount of ellagic acid in 3/4 ounce of Spectramaxx.
Eternity – Formulated With Pure Liquid Trans Resveratrol, Quercetin, Catechins & Polyphenols . This proprietary liquid delivery system is designed to protect the Resveratrol blend through the entire digestive process enhancing absorption into the very cells that utilize it by as much as 250%!
Fucoydon – Contains U, F & G Fucoidan. 20 patent pending processes some of which enzymatically cut the repeating fucoidan polysaccharide into smaller, individual molecules, maintaining the highly effective F, U and G individual molecules. Simultaneously adding sulfate groups to the molecule making the fucoidan more bio-available & responsive within the body.
Spectramaxx – 40 Antioxidants, 74 Essential Trace Minerals & Organic Fulvates. Vast array of multivitamins and phytonutrients, powered by organic fulvic acid. SISEL uses ionic liquid minerals, which when combined or chelated with fulvates increases absorption and utilization. Plants absorb nutrients and minerals from the soil using this same process. Photonic Energy: SISEL chelates these essential trace minerals and nutrients with fulvic acid the same way plants do to extract essential trace minerals and nutrients from the soil. Fulvic acid becomes fulvates in this process and is loaded with Photonic Energy from the sun.
Stay healthy, prevent toxicity & protect your body from radiation with the Triangle Of Life. Instead of me regurgitating in writing the many benefits of Fucoydon, Eternity & Spectramaxx, you can listen to my interview with the chemist who formulates these 3 powerful supplements. You can also click on the picture of the Triangle of Life to read more about this therapeutic system.
Sassy, classy and kick a$$y Marketing Muse with a passion for living life well. Author/Creator: Education Beats Medication Wellness Series & My Money My Vote Ambassador. I help solopreneurs build their online brand with less stress & more success.
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