What Is Holistic Healing To Me?

By Dani Walker

Many people ask me, “What is holistic healing?”  After much thought, I want to describe what holistic healing is to me.  First of all, I think everyone has the power to heal without medications.  Physical illnesses are the symptoms of a greater imbalance that may or may not have a root cause in the physical.  Having said that, I do respect pharmaceutical medications and feel they have an important role to play in the healing process for some reasons but let’s stay on task and talk about holistic healing

What Is Holistic Healing To Me:

holistic healingI found if funny that Holistic healing is not spelled whole – but hole – to me we are “filling” the holes in the whole list!  Holistic or “wholistic” healing addresses all parts of the individual, not just the physical aspect of a person where manifested illnesses are most apparent. It does not serve as a band-aid or a one time fix but is an ongoing journey of discovery in search of more answers and ultimately; living better, being healthier, and striving for wholeness. 

At first I did not even realize that I was seeking holistic healing.  My journey started with Jack getting really sick and lead us, as a family, to whole healing – physical healing, mental health and wellness, emotional well-being, and spiritual beliefs and values; where overall wellness AND “wholeness” became the goal.   Taking this holistic approach involved seeking the tools that would help us attract our desires to live healthy and caused us to take personal responsibility for our own lives, health and lack there of. 

We are learning every day and will be for the rest of our lives.  I was initially looking to change our diet, go toxin free & exercise more regularly but after starting down the path of holistic healing the importance of tending to relationships, caring for the planet and our environments, having compassion for humankind in general, and accepting and tolerating differences among a diverse population of people became more and more valued in our lives.  We always “had” these values but they just rose to the top of the list naturally.

The Need For Holistic Healing

Discomforts or pains are merely symptoms of an imbalance. The imbalance could be a physical issue, the result of abusing the physical body through an unhealthy diet, lack of exercise, or too little sleep. Or, the imbalance may be the result of mental, emotional, or spiritual needs not being met. No aspect (mind, body, spirit, or emotions) should be overlooked in holistic healing.

When Jack first starting having symptoms of Sarcoidosis (even though we had no idea that’s what it was), my son Trent was also having nasty symptoms that mimicked appendicitis.  We were going from one Dr. visit for Jack to another for Trent, frantically trying to figure out what WAS wrong with both of them.  This continued for almost a year before Jack was finally diagnosed & the final straw for me as a Mother was taking Trent to the ER at midnight afraid his appendix was going to burst.  After 3 hours in the ER we left, yet again, with no answer to his stomach aches, cramps, high white blood cell count etc. etc.

Out of complete frustration and exhaustion we chose to take him to a naturopath & finally with an easy food allergy test found out he was deathly allergic to potatoes!  An answer after 10 months of expensive Dr.s visits, YAHOO!  This experience then lead to another and another.  I started buying nutrition books, researching Sarcoidosis, natural medicines and we were on our way to holistic healing.
Now I am NOT a certified holistic healer, but I believe the patient (i.e. you) has the answers & we are living proof that we can take this approach to wellness and implement it.  If you choose to go to a holistic healer remember that it is no different than choosing a medical Dr. You decide.  Jack spent 4 months with a holistic healer and learned a great amount but did not see any results for his Sarcoidosis.  We are all unique and what works for one will not work for all.  I now think the treatments; massage, acupuncture, juicing etc were wonderful but the remedies were not efficacious enough to reverse the symptoms & pretty much every one, Dr or holistic healer, has their chosen remedies that they stick to.   So the search continued… 

Types of Holistic Healing Therapies and Treatments We Tried:

Here are many different types of holistic healing treatments – the red are the ones we tried & you can click on the blue to see what we take to stay physically health and keep Sarcoidosis in remission.

•Ayurveda medicine
•natural diet
•herbal remedies
•naturopathic medicine
•energy-based therapies
•prayerful intention
•Chinese medicine

I hope this helps everyone understand the importance of harmony, listening to your body and knowing that you can heal!  Holistic Healing means never lose hope.


About the Author

Sassy, classy and kick a$$y Marketing Muse with a passion for living life well. Author/Creator: Education Beats Medication Wellness Series & My Money My Vote Ambassador. I help solopreneurs build their online brand with less stress & more success.

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