Raynaud’s (pronounced “ray-NODES”) phenomenon refers to episodic color changes in the skin of the fingers and toes during exposure to cold or in response to emotional stress.
In some people, the ears, lips, nipples and nose may also be affected. Although it is normal for blood flow to the fingers to be reduced in extreme cold, people with Raynaud’s phenomenon have difficulty on mild days, in air-conditioned rooms, or when holding a cold drink. Episodes may last for several minutes after the body becomes warm again.
When this condition occurs in the absence of disease, it is known as “primary Raynaud’s phenomenon.” Approximately 10 percent of healthy women have this form. Raynaud’s may also occur with diseases in which the blood vessels have been injured or when elements of the blood are sluggish. This form is called “secondary Raynaud’s phenomenon” and is a feature of arthritis and related diseases such as scleroderma, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and others.
In secondary Raynaud’s phenomenon, sores called ulcers may develop when blood does not flow adequately to the tissues. Examine feet and hands daily to check for ulcers. If an ulcer develops, keep it clean and covered and see a doctor right away.
Raynaud’s Hyper Reaction Turn Fingers White, Blue & Red
White Finger The blood vessels in your fingers spasm and contract wildly, seriously constricting blood flow to your hands. Your fingers or fingertips turn white. Your body’s natural defense mechanism has just hyper reacted to touching something cold! In the case of Raynaud’s attacks, it appears to be a hypersensitive overreaction to change in temperature or even emotional stress.
Blue Finger As blood supply begins to return to your fingers, it can still be low in oxygen, making the skin appear blue or discolored. Blue fingers are caused by the temporary lack of oxygenated blood flow to the tips of your fingers.
Red Finger A sudden rush of fresh oxygenated blood returning to your hands brings on a lot more than just the red flush color. Nerve endings burn with pain, as the numbness and tingling feeling retreats. Every time you experience a Raynaud’s attack, blood flow and oxygen supply is seriously restricted from reaching the tiny capillaries and blood vessels in your hands. Frequent attacks can result in accumulative damage to your microcirculatory system.
Trans Resveratrol Formula: Order Here
For those suffering with the symptoms above, resveratrol is a very effective Raynaud’s natural treatment.
As scientists have studied this high powered antioxidant and it’s amazing ability to help 1,000’s of diseases.
The studies on pubmed suggest people with raynaud’s and/or Systemic sclerosis supplement with Resveratrol.
Trans resveratrol is found in some red wines and is believed to be a key reason for the French paradox, wherein a higher level of saturated fat is consumed and heart health is maintained. Research shows that trans resveratrol protects against some metabolic stressors associated with a high fat diet, has a smooth muscle relaxing effect on vascular vessels through the metric oxide pathway and inhibits platelet aggregation therefore increasing circulation, increases energy, stimulates mitochondria production, fights obesity and more.
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Sassy, classy and kick a$$y Marketing Muse with a passion for living life well. Author/Creator: Education Beats Medication Wellness Series & My Money My Vote Ambassador. I help solopreneurs build their online brand with less stress & more success.
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