Ok, if you are reading this post I must preface by saying that it was inspired after reading a post on the NY Times titled Puberty Before Age 10 – A New “Normal” and after reading that my early puberty problems rant was on!
As a 36 yrs old Mother of 2 boys I know this issue is much more sensitive to those with daughters but the reality is that boys are reaching puberty more slowly and becoming more feminine while our daughters are fully developing by the ripe old age of 11 & have a much higher risk of breast cancer, diabetes, obesity etc!
Drs seem to want to ignore this by saying there is no reason for concern but if you want we can prescribe some hormone shot like Leuprolide which then increases your daughters risk of osteoporosis etc etc.
Lets face it, we do have early puberty problems! I am not going to get into the many physical, emotional & social issues young girls face when developing early. No, this rant is all about the B.S. “behind the scenes” lies hidden in the darkness and what you, as a parent better to be proactive.
Our medical system is not made to prevent anything, only to treat it once it appears. Drs are not taught nutrition, toxic body burden, prevention, & wellness yet we are marketed to every day with “Go ask your Dr.”
To prevent early puberty problems you must be informed about the toxins that are causing the underlying issue. More importantly, we as parents are responsible for our children and want the best for them but we put far too much trust in the media, marketing, medical system & big pharma hype to “take care of us”.
I started a radio show called “The Medical Insider” with the motto – Don’t Be Fooled, Be Imformed…for this very purpose. To educate and inform those smart enough to realize that the current method is not working & we must change.
“A prior education can be a real barrier to new learning” PB
Change is the one constant in life and 3 yrs ago my eyes were opened to the truth behind the personal care industry. Now this is only 1 piece of the early puberty problem but it is one which we can take full responsibility for.
Did you know….babies are being born pre-poluted. Early Puberty problems
Women are 4 times more toxic than men.
Click to read all statistics about infertility, breast cancer, pour eye development etc.
As I said, I have 2 boys who are marvelously healthy and I want to do everything in my power to keep them that way as I am sure you do for your children as well.
I actually had the opposite problem growing up and was the very last girl in my class to start puberty…fun times that I am so very happy to be past me. I grew up understanding that we are what we eat but came to a sudden and abrupt realization that we are really what we absorb! Our skin is the largest organ and babies are now being born with over 200 toxic chemicals in their bodies. Why?
These toxins are coming from Mom. What Mom eats, drinks, rubs on her skin etc. are all absorbed. Just imagine how much more toxic it becomes when we as caring parents rub chemicals like dioxin, anti-freeze, engine degreaser, brake fluid etc on their skin to try and keep them moisturized and healthy?
Print off your toxic checklist here
So in 2009 we started going toxin free. We buy locally grown, farm fresh eggs & beef. We don’t do much dairy at all. But most important we buy 100% toxin free personal care & cleaning products. I can feel good about what my kids are using to brush their teeth, wash their hair and moisturize their skin. Can you? What do the products you use have in them?
Your wellness advocate & friend,
Dani Walker
Sassy, classy and kick a$$y Marketing Muse with a passion for living life well. Author/Creator: Education Beats Medication Wellness Series & My Money My Vote Ambassador. I help solopreneurs build their online brand with less stress & more success.
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